


Theater Sports Show in English with Zurich Improv Comedy

Theater Sports Show in English with Zurich Improv Comedy Kanzlei Club, Kanzleistrasse 56, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: ZIC

Kanzlei Club, Zürich (CH)

Team against team – improviser against improviser – Titan against Titan!

The home team, Zurich Improv Comedy (ZIC), competes in each show against a different improv group from Switzerland. The two teams improvise scenes based on audience suggestions. It is also the audience’s task to assign points to them – so YOU are in charge!

It’s fast-paced comedy theater – spontaneous, entertaining, interactive, engaging and fun!

Come and see it first hand to fully experience and appreciate the magic of creating theater on the spot.


Veranstalter:in von Theater Sports Show in English with Zurich Improv Comedy

Zurich Improv Comedy



Kanzlei Club, Kanzleistrasse 56, Zürich, CH

Links zum Event


Theater Sports Show in English with Zurich Improv Comedy wird organisiert durch:

Zurich Improv Comedy