


Programm - Schoggifestival ehrundredlich 2025

Programm - Schoggifestival ehrundredlich 2025 Various locations Tickets

Credits: Good Chocolate Hub

Start: Different times
Various locations
Name Date / time Location
Eintrittstickets Schoggifestival ehrundredlich 2025 Tickets Eintrittstickets Schoggifestival ehrundredlich 2025 Sunday, 13.04.2025, 10:00 Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Kinderprogramm Schoggifestival ehrundredlich (gratis) Tickets Kinderprogramm Schoggifestival ehrundredlich (gratis) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 10:00 Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Infomation
Fotoausstellung: Die Kakao-Inseln von Tamer Tamar (gratis) Tickets Fotoausstellung: Die Kakao-Inseln von Tamer Tamar (gratis) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 10:00 Mühlerama, OG, Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Infomation
Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 10.30-10.55Uhr) Tickets Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 10.30-10.55Uhr) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 10:30 Backstube, Mühlerama, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Input - Deforestation and Illegal Goldmining (for free) Tickets Input - Deforestation and Illegal Goldmining (for free) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 10:45 Halle, Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 11.00-11.25 Uhr) Tickets Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 11.00-11.25 Uhr) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 11:00 Backstube, Mühlerama, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 11.30-11.55 Uhr) Tickets Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 11.30-11.55 Uhr) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 11:30 Backstube, Mühlerama, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Schokolade um jeden Preis? (gratis) Tickets Schokolade um jeden Preis? (gratis) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 11:30 Halle, Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 12-12.25 Uhr) Tickets Schoggi-Salami Workshop (Backstube, 12-12.25 Uhr) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 12:00 Backstube, Mühlerama, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Panel Discussion - Biting into Deforestation (for free) Tickets Panel Discussion - Biting into Deforestation (for free) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 12:15 Halle, Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Workshop: Stell traditionelle Schokolade her (13.30 Uhr) Tickets Workshop: Stell traditionelle Schokolade her (13.30 Uhr) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 13:30 Backstube, Mühlerama, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Lesung "Was ich dir nicht sage" Tickets Lesung "Was ich dir nicht sage" Sunday, 13.04.2025, 14:15 Halle, Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Workshop: Stell traditionelle Schokolade her (14.30 Uhr) Tickets Workshop: Stell traditionelle Schokolade her (14.30 Uhr) Sunday, 13.04.2025, 14:30 Backstube, Mühlerama, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Tasting: A Taste of Ghana - The Story Behind Bioko Treats Tickets Tasting: A Taste of Ghana - The Story Behind Bioko Treats Sunday, 13.04.2025, 15:30 Halle, Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Tasting & Music: Reise der Sinne - Musik trifft Schokolade Tickets Tasting & Music: Reise der Sinne - Musik trifft Schokolade Sunday, 13.04.2025, 16:45 Halle, Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets
Tasting: Whisky and Chocolate Pairing Tickets Tasting: Whisky and Chocolate Pairing Sunday, 13.04.2025, 17:45 Halle, Kulturareal Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, 8008 Zürich, CH Tickets

Ticket status:

Small amount available Few tickets available

Sold out No tickets available

Starts later Sales start later