

9.5. - 10.5.

RVNZ.project x Dirtyrising - Free Entry - Borderline

RVNZ.project x Dirtyrising - Free Entry - Borderline Borderline Basel, Hagenaustrasse 29, 4056 Basel Tickets

Credits: RVNZ

Borderline Basel, Basel (CH)

Ein Fast Entry Ticket ist ein Ticket, mit dem wir Garantieren, dass du den Club betretten kannst & die Warteschlange überspringen kannst. 
WICHTIG: Das Borderline öffnet um 22:00 Uhr. So können wir vermeiden, dass die Schlange bis 01:00 Uhr andauert! Kommt früh um lange Wartezeiten aus dem Weg zu gehen. 

Wir freuen uns extrem euch verkünden zu dürfen, dass wir ein Free Entry (Kostenloser Eintritt) Event organisieren dürfen! Zusammen mit dem Label Dirtyrising veranstalten wir für euch am 09.05.2025 ein Event mit 2 Floors im Borderline! Wir freuen uns extrem darauf, die Hütte komplett auseinander zu nehmen! 

A Fast Entry Ticket is a ticket with which we guarantee that you can enter the club & skip the queue. 
IMPORTANT: The Borderline opens at 22:00. This way we can avoid the queue lasting until 01:00! Come early to avoid long waiting times. 

Description of the event:
We are extremely happy to announce that we can organize a free entry event! Together with the label Dirtyrising we are organizing an event for you on 09.05.2025 with 2 floors! we are looking forward tearing the place apart!

Love - Socialise - In Music we Trust -

No Homophobia - No Racism - No Sexism 

Hard alcohol is 18+. Holding drinks that are permitted from 18+ is
prohibited for anyone under 18.
No ID = No Entry!!!
One way 

Event organiser

Event organiser of RVNZ.project x Dirtyrising - Free Entry - Borderline

Borderliners GmbH


Sale ends on Saturday, 10.05.2025 06:00

Fast Entry Ticket (You can pass the queue at the entrance)

10.00 CHF

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
None of these payment methods?

Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:


Liechtensteinische Post

Orell Füssli


Solothurn Tourismus

Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Borderline Basel, Hagenaustrasse 29, Basel, CH

Event links

Event organiser

RVNZ.project x Dirtyrising - Free Entry - Borderline is organised by:

Borderliners GmbH