


Polyglots – Multilingual improv comedy show April

Polyglots – Multilingual improv comedy show April Floky Underground, Rue de Carouge 44, 1205 Genève Tickets

Credits: Cie Polyglots

Floky Underground, Genève (CH)

START TIME : 20:30

Welcome to Polyglots: the multilingual improv comedy show where nobody needs to speak the same language to have fun.

“Sometimes, pour bien se marrer, you don’t need to, parler la meme langue”.

Il n’y a no script. Sur scène, nobody ne sait what will se passer. Vous suggest les themes and la comedy prend vie right sous vos yeux. Watch us make stuff up – en plusieurs langues. You’ll laugh, nous allons rire, the world will be a slightly better place, et le monde deviendra meilleur.

The goal of the show is to have fun doing improv together no matter where you come from or what language you speak. This truly international Geneva show brings together stars of the Swiss, French-speaking and the English-speaking improv scenes for an evening of improvised fun and laughter.

More info: https://renegadesaints.ch/event/polyglots-improv-comedy-show-0425/

Avec : Nadim Ahmed, Paul Berrocal, Viki Lazar, Lia Leveillé Mettral, Daire O’Doherty, Damian Veiga et quelques invité·es

Event organiser

Event organiser of Polyglots – Multilingual improv comedy show April

Renegade Saints


Sale ends on Tuesday, 08.04.2025 22:00

General Admission

15.00 CHF

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:


Liechtensteinische Post

Orell Füssli


Solothurn Tourismus

Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Floky Underground, Rue de Carouge 44, Genève, CH

Event organiser

Polyglots – Multilingual improv comedy show April is organised by:

Renegade Saints